Grey Snow Sovereign Solutions, LLC

Building Energy Sovereignty Empowering Tribal Futures

About Us

Grey Snow Sovereign Solutions stands at the forefront of a transformative journey, bringing traditional wisdom with innovative energy solutions to empower tribal nations and nonprofits partners.


Our holistic approach extends from grant planning and implementation support to the full spectrum of energy project management, including feasibility studies, budgeting, design, engineering, and construction.


Our team of industry experts have decades of experience, and we understand the challenges and complexity of microgrid projects.


Our foundation is built on the principles of sovereignty, sustainability, and enduring partnership, ensuring each project not only meets the energy needs of today, but also fortifies the environmental legacy of tomorrow.

Central to our mission is the Grey Snow Training Academy, a beacon of knowledge and skill development aimed at nurturing a resilient workforce. By investing in workforce development, we aim to pave the way for tribal nations to achieve independence in owning and managing their energy resources.

Full Microgrid Development Services

Finance: Multi-layered finance strategies including securing grants, tax credits, incentives, philanthropic, nonprofit, and conventional capital.

Professional Engineering Services

Procurement and Construction

Feasibility study development which includes design, data gathering, and project budgeting.

Grant management, writing, and planning services

O&M: Operations and maintenance.

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